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Pre-construction Planning

Pre Construction Planning

At  K R Homes

The success of every building project hinges on establishing a competent project team. This requires the selection of both the architect and the builder. By teaming up with a builder, the owner and design team can gain insight into the latter’s past financial performance, project viability, building methods and materials, subcontractors’ contributions, and general construction expertise.

Pre-Construction Planning

An essential part of any construction venture.

Because it lays the groundwork for good project planning and important communication of these planned stages across different organisations, the pre-construction phase is crucial to the success of a construction project. In order to maximise project efficiency and prevent potential impediments during construction, several crucial choices and success indicators are handled during the pre-construction phase.

At K R Homes – a Division of R K Construction Ltd, we develop a strategy for interaction that accommodates the requirements of everyone participating in the project.

The Process

Perfection is the product, while excellence is the process.

The pre-construction phase is spent planning the Project Scope, Project Budget, Project Details, Project Team, Project Materials, Project Schedules, Project Permits and Inspections, and Project Communication between the client, design team, and construction partner.

Before breaking ground, a project must undergo thorough planning to ensure its completion. When it comes to laying the groundwork for your ideal home, K R Homes is ready to help.


Before construction ever begins, important decisions must be taken regarding the detailed drawings, schedules, budgets, and projected manpower.

Strategy and Tactic

As no one wants to fail, people just don't prepare enough.

We never let the prospect of a new and interesting building work cause us to pass up on other possibilities. Perhaps some useful information might be gleaned from a careful analysis of the project’s goals, resource needs, and limits.

K R Homes will assess the project’s feasibility by identifying issues and evaluating their costs after a general design is created. Our clients have found the first project scoping meetings beneficial in clarifying timetables, equipment options, dangers, and design parameters.

Pre Construction Planning !

Why ?

Here we will plan, evaluate and develop the anticipated demands for completing your construction project, as well as any obstacles that may come up.
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