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Interior Design

Interior Design

At K R  Homes

Together with our customers, an interior designer creates stunning homes and environments. The locations span from indoor to outdoor residential settings to shops and institutions. At K R Homes – a Division of R K Construction Ltd, we are affiliated with a number of renowned designers, and we prioritise customer retention by incorporating their cultural heritage. No of the size of the space, every interior designer attempts to design spaces that are aesthetically pleasing, functional, and safe while also meeting the client’s specific needs.

The Process

Life is like a roller coaster when it comes to Process.

An experienced interior designer will use the real plans to create an interior space that is functional from both a structural and aesthetic standpoint.

This is performed after a thorough discussion with the customer to ascertain their particular likes and dislikes, as well as a meeting with an architect to comprehend the mechanics of implementing client-based interior design.

Interior designers strive to create rooms that are aesthetically pleasing, useful, and safe, while also meeting their clients’ demands.


Using furniture arrangement, colour palettes, decorations, and practical decorating, interior designers may create a variety of places, from attractive yet functional living rooms to offices that people increasingly desire and enjoy working from home.

Strategy and Tactic

In order to achieve success, one must overcome obstacles.

If you’re constructing a new home, remodelling an existing one, or even adding on to an existing structure, you’ll need a builder. However, if you don’t have a designer, you’ll be accountable for all design decisions, both before and throughout the project. If you are not present when decisions must be made, interior designers can only consider your home as a whole, rather than just the structure.

The involvement of an interior designer produces designs for structural building, furnishings, and lighting schemes. This implies that they consider where power outlets and lighting should be positioned to optimise the flow, functionality, and ambience in each location.

Ar K R Homes – a Division of R K Construction Ltd, we believe that the contributions of every team member are crucial to the final outcome of any endeavor. The Structural Engineer’s job is to guarantee the integrity and security of all constructed structures. Interior designers are responsible for creating aesthetically pleasing and functional places that are tailored to each individual customer. The project’s planning has been handed off to an architect.

We coordinate with all outside specialists, including architects, structural engineers, and interior designers, to assure and comprehend final designs. From the first set of plans and meeting until the day the building is officially dedicated, our duties as builders span the whole process. Only by telling the truth will you reach your goals.

Communication and Interpersonal Skill 95%
Management & Leadership 90%
Planning & Organising 95%
Decissionmaking & Problem Solving 98%

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